It is astonishing to observe the myths about Islam that have been propagandized in the media and by the politically correct pronouncements of our government under Obama. There continues to be a widespread unwillingness to address the realities of this legacy of hate and the agenda of its leaders. The Shia branch in Iran are advocating outright genocide of the Jewish State through nuclear attack. Admadinejad and khmaneni believe to bring forth the Islamic Messiah (the Twelfth Imam) they must attack Israel. The Muslim brotherhood and other radical Muslims are well on the way to taking over Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. Turkey has shifted into the radical Muslim camp as well. Lebanon is now controlled by Hezbollah --- another radical Shiite Muslim group. Myth #1 "Islam is a religion of peace." Official Islam in the Koran contains more than one hundred verses that advocate the use of violence in spreading Islam. Islam is committed to global conquest --- by the sword, if necessary. In the Koran Allah commands Muslims, "Take not the Jews and Christians as friends ------ Slay the idolaters (non-Muslims) wherever you find them ----- Fight against such as believe not in Allah ---- " They believe in complete world domination! To lead the world Islam believes they need a supreme leader to head the new Muslim world order. They want the office of the caliphate restored. His duties would be to interpret the Koran, to enforce Islamic law, to defend Muslim lands, and to wage holy war against the infidels. Myth #2 "Allah is the same God as the God of the Old Testament." Despite propaganda to the contrary, Allah is not the Arabic name for God. Allah is the proper name for a specific god --- the moon god. This is why the crescent moon adorns mosques throughout the world. Allah is a purely Arabic term used in reference to an Arabic deity. The symbol of worship of the moon god in Arabian culture was the crescent moon. An Allah idol was set up in the Ka'aba along with all their other gods. Myth #3 "The Koran is compatible with the Bible." The Koran is an amalgam of non-Biblical myths that are incompatible with the Bible. When you turn to the Koran, you find a jumbled and confused ordering of individual Suras (chapters). The Koran is arranged from the biggest Suras down to the smallest Suras, irrespective of the chronology of the Suras which causes great confusion. The Bible gives a sense of wholeness for it begins at the beginning and runs to the end of history. The Koran is inferior literature which is no way compares to the 66 books of the Bible written over thousands of years by at least 40 different authors. Islamic leadership seeks to apply the death penalty upon Muslims who for the sake of conscience convert to Christianity. During the day of Abraham the prevailing worship of the Middle East was that of the moon god. That is what they worshipped in Ur where Abraham was raised by his father Terah. The Quairish tribe into which Mohammed was born worshipped at the Ka'aba (a large black stone) where Allah was the chief god. Mohammed simply repackaged their pagan worship into a monotheistic form. The legacy of hate that focuses on the Jews and Christians has always been the obsession of Islam and this clearly identifies it as satanic. Islam historically aligned itself with Hitler's mission of eliminating the Jews and provided the Nazis war machine with many troops in southeastern Europe during World War 11. There is an obvious connection between Muhammad's declaration of war against the entire world in the seventh century and the present declaration of war against America and Israel. After Muhammad signed a peace treaty with his own Quairish in Mecca, he later violated it and killed off the tribe. The Western mind cannot grasp the ethic that anything that advances the cause of Islam is to be done ---- murder, lies, deceit etc. This is why Obama's appeasement is interpreted as a sign of weakness in the Islamic world. The only sure way in Islam of achieving paradise is to sacrifice one's life in jihad ---- killing infidels in the name of Allah. Terrorists do not consider themselves fanatics but simply devout Muslims who are earnestly following their religion. In Saudi Arabia, which is principally Sunni Islam, the strictest sect are called Wahhabis. They enforce a very literal interpretation of the Koran and the Saudi's support Wahhabism with their oil wealth. Eighty percent of the imams (Muslim clergy) of the approximately 3500 mosques in the United States are loyal to Wahhabism. Muslims are Muslims first and Americans second. Their ideology is one of undermining our way of life in the West and bringing in Islamic domination through stealth and terrorism. Islam is not compatible with democracy in the United States and a Judeo -- Christian society like America. The Wahhabi's strategy of infiltration through patient grooming of recruits is being used in American now. The Council on American-Islamic Relations is a very influential Islamic group in the US which tirelessly propagandizes for Islamic domination in America. Here is a quote from their leader Omar Ahmad, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America." Today this is not just a Middle East issue. This has become a world struggle with the bombings in London, torching cars in France, killing critics in Holland, beheadings, bombing nightclubs in Bali, the uproar over the Danish cartoons of Muhammad, and killings in Nigeria and Israel. The Taliban earns an estimated 10 billion dollars per year from the sale of Heroin and 90 percent of the world's heroin comes from Afghanistan. When the parliament of Iran voted to pursue their nuclear program just about all of the 290 parliamentarians approved by standing and shouting, "Death to America; Death to Israel. knowledge is power and we must be knowledgeable of the motives and intentions of Muslims in the West. As Christians we must reach out in Christian love, but at the same time be willing to expose the lies of Islam in a free press and promote the superiority of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Muslims are lost forever if they do not receive Christ as their lord and Savior. Grace, Jim Dykes
Jim DykesMinistring to the World The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Archives
February 2013
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