The intellectual elite that originally
pushed the concept of the European Union knew deception was a key to their
success. Their intent was to change the European nation states into a European
government complete with a European Parliament, European President, European
currency, Central Bank, and a European foreign policy. The incremental steps
taken to form what became the EU were presented to the people as no more than
economic agreements designed to facilitate free trade. Today the EU is firmly
in place along with the euro, the European Central Bank, and a large
bureaucracy centered in Brussels. They now formulate EU foreign policy that
supersedes the foreign policies of all 27 member EU states.
Today globalism is promoted in the USA
under the same guise as it was in Europe --- namely free trade. These global
elites realize that free trade zones will promote regional political structures
needed to regulate the free trade and settle disputes. From the beginning, the
architects of globalism planned for the path to one-world government to begin
in the call for global free trade! Their argument for world governance is that
free trade and global warming need this world regulation. Three men who have
been instrumental in the advancement of the global agenda are George Soros,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller. Brzezinski says we now live in an
interdependent world that has become globalized. He believes international
agencies of governance should assume more responsibility for world order. He
looks for a new world order where nation states become obsolete. Brezezinski
also has strongly advocated a strong alliance of the USA and EU. He believes
this will move us more rapidly into globalism. Brzezinski argues the nation
state is losing sovereignty and international banks and multinational
corporations are taking its place. Brzezinski is a Marxist who believes mankind
is evolving into a world socialistic government. Rockefeller and the
Rothschilds have recently consolidated their financial empires into
American banker, David Rockefeller,
proclaims himself to be a proud internationalist. He say his goal is to build a
more integrated global and political and economic structure --- one world, if
you will! He acknowledges he has been the "conspirator in chief." Rockefeller
and the multinational corporations he owned or financed were the building
blocks for the new world order. He promoted NAFTA and the World Trade
Organization. He believes all Americans should be internationalists.
George Soros, billionaire hedge-fund
manager views economic globalism as an accomplished fact. He complains that
markets have become global while while politics remain national. Soros demands
we transcend nation states to somehow become global citizens. Soros funded the
Open Society Institute in 1979 which in turn has funded millions to the
political left. Soros was an early supporter of Barack Obama. Soros arranged
financing for Obama with other financiers in Soros's Wall Street Office. He has
a strong voice in the Obama White House. Henry Kissinger suggested on national
television the President Obama was positioned to bring in the new world order.
Brzezinski and Rockefeller worked together to found the Trilateral Commission
in 1973 which purpose was to unite the EU, USA and Japan in economic and
regional government. The Council of Foreign Relations also promotes the one
world concept and is composed of chief executives, academics, military leaders,
and media titans in the USA. Council of Foreign Relation members are usually
Secretaries of State and cabinet officers for the President. All these
international organization such as the UN, WTO, World Economic Forum, IMF,
World Bank, NAFTA, Africa Union, are all moving the world toward the new world
The intent to create a one-world
government to regulate a one-world economy is easily documented. IT IS NOT A
CONSPIRACY THEORY. It is simply a fact of what we are facing in our brave new
world. Obama sees himself as a fellow citizen of the world and is working
closely with the Soros -- Rockefeller -- Brzezinski ---- and theRothschild
network of fellow globalists. Obama believes we live in a post American world
and that the world cannot afford to be divided. He believes the world need to
comes together to save the planet. He believes we need to reduce the carbon we
send into the atmosphere and to share the wealth --- socialism! He believes we
need to rid the world of nuclear weapons starting with American nuclear weapons
first. He wants to remake the world into a socialistic utopia. He believes in
abortion on demand and in the homosexual agenda! He believes in Keynesian
governmental spending --- spend, spend, spend! He has been associated with
radicals such as Saul Alinksy, Bill Ayers, Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and
communist Frank Marshall Davis. He has refused to show his college records,
will not reveal his involvement in Benghazi, had produced a forged birth
certificate, and probably would not have been voted in for President in a
second term without voter fraud in Ohio, Pa., Virginia, and
Praise the Lord that he is working out
His plan in the earth. We are clearly nearing the Day Of The Lord and that
period of history where the Lord Jesus will return for His saints that have
been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
The day will come when the government
will incrementally try to confiscate American guns. They have already done this
in the UK with the result that now only the criminals have guns there. This has
made it much more dangerous for UK citizens. In 2008 when Obama was making a
victory speech in Colorado he specifically had constructed a Greek platform to
speak from. This was a replica of the "throne of Satan" that is currently in
the Berlin museum which was removed from Pergamum in present day Turkey by
Germans archeologists. Hitler also used a replica of the "throne of Satan" to
make his speeches to Germany. I did not believe this at first until I
researched it and found it to be true!
"Come out from among them and be
separate says the Lord. Do not touch the unclean thing, and I will receive you.
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, say the Lord
"He has delivered us from the power
(authority) of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His
The entire Babylonian world system that
is emerging in our present world is doomed to destruction!
"Therefore her plagues will come in one
day --- death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with
fire, for strong is the Lord who judges her."
Grace and Peace to all who love the Lord, Jim Dykes M.Di.
pushed the concept of the European Union knew deception was a key to their
success. Their intent was to change the European nation states into a European
government complete with a European Parliament, European President, European
currency, Central Bank, and a European foreign policy. The incremental steps
taken to form what became the EU were presented to the people as no more than
economic agreements designed to facilitate free trade. Today the EU is firmly
in place along with the euro, the European Central Bank, and a large
bureaucracy centered in Brussels. They now formulate EU foreign policy that
supersedes the foreign policies of all 27 member EU states.
Today globalism is promoted in the USA
under the same guise as it was in Europe --- namely free trade. These global
elites realize that free trade zones will promote regional political structures
needed to regulate the free trade and settle disputes. From the beginning, the
architects of globalism planned for the path to one-world government to begin
in the call for global free trade! Their argument for world governance is that
free trade and global warming need this world regulation. Three men who have
been instrumental in the advancement of the global agenda are George Soros,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller. Brzezinski says we now live in an
interdependent world that has become globalized. He believes international
agencies of governance should assume more responsibility for world order. He
looks for a new world order where nation states become obsolete. Brezezinski
also has strongly advocated a strong alliance of the USA and EU. He believes
this will move us more rapidly into globalism. Brzezinski argues the nation
state is losing sovereignty and international banks and multinational
corporations are taking its place. Brzezinski is a Marxist who believes mankind
is evolving into a world socialistic government. Rockefeller and the
Rothschilds have recently consolidated their financial empires into
American banker, David Rockefeller,
proclaims himself to be a proud internationalist. He say his goal is to build a
more integrated global and political and economic structure --- one world, if
you will! He acknowledges he has been the "conspirator in chief." Rockefeller
and the multinational corporations he owned or financed were the building
blocks for the new world order. He promoted NAFTA and the World Trade
Organization. He believes all Americans should be internationalists.
George Soros, billionaire hedge-fund
manager views economic globalism as an accomplished fact. He complains that
markets have become global while while politics remain national. Soros demands
we transcend nation states to somehow become global citizens. Soros funded the
Open Society Institute in 1979 which in turn has funded millions to the
political left. Soros was an early supporter of Barack Obama. Soros arranged
financing for Obama with other financiers in Soros's Wall Street Office. He has
a strong voice in the Obama White House. Henry Kissinger suggested on national
television the President Obama was positioned to bring in the new world order.
Brzezinski and Rockefeller worked together to found the Trilateral Commission
in 1973 which purpose was to unite the EU, USA and Japan in economic and
regional government. The Council of Foreign Relations also promotes the one
world concept and is composed of chief executives, academics, military leaders,
and media titans in the USA. Council of Foreign Relation members are usually
Secretaries of State and cabinet officers for the President. All these
international organization such as the UN, WTO, World Economic Forum, IMF,
World Bank, NAFTA, Africa Union, are all moving the world toward the new world
The intent to create a one-world
government to regulate a one-world economy is easily documented. IT IS NOT A
CONSPIRACY THEORY. It is simply a fact of what we are facing in our brave new
world. Obama sees himself as a fellow citizen of the world and is working
closely with the Soros -- Rockefeller -- Brzezinski ---- and theRothschild
network of fellow globalists. Obama believes we live in a post American world
and that the world cannot afford to be divided. He believes the world need to
comes together to save the planet. He believes we need to reduce the carbon we
send into the atmosphere and to share the wealth --- socialism! He believes we
need to rid the world of nuclear weapons starting with American nuclear weapons
first. He wants to remake the world into a socialistic utopia. He believes in
abortion on demand and in the homosexual agenda! He believes in Keynesian
governmental spending --- spend, spend, spend! He has been associated with
radicals such as Saul Alinksy, Bill Ayers, Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and
communist Frank Marshall Davis. He has refused to show his college records,
will not reveal his involvement in Benghazi, had produced a forged birth
certificate, and probably would not have been voted in for President in a
second term without voter fraud in Ohio, Pa., Virginia, and
Praise the Lord that he is working out
His plan in the earth. We are clearly nearing the Day Of The Lord and that
period of history where the Lord Jesus will return for His saints that have
been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
The day will come when the government
will incrementally try to confiscate American guns. They have already done this
in the UK with the result that now only the criminals have guns there. This has
made it much more dangerous for UK citizens. In 2008 when Obama was making a
victory speech in Colorado he specifically had constructed a Greek platform to
speak from. This was a replica of the "throne of Satan" that is currently in
the Berlin museum which was removed from Pergamum in present day Turkey by
Germans archeologists. Hitler also used a replica of the "throne of Satan" to
make his speeches to Germany. I did not believe this at first until I
researched it and found it to be true!
"Come out from among them and be
separate says the Lord. Do not touch the unclean thing, and I will receive you.
I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, say the Lord
"He has delivered us from the power
(authority) of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His
The entire Babylonian world system that
is emerging in our present world is doomed to destruction!
"Therefore her plagues will come in one
day --- death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with
fire, for strong is the Lord who judges her."
Grace and Peace to all who love the Lord, Jim Dykes M.Di.